Entrance Into Classroom

Slide arrow left and right to view the before and after transformation.
AFTER: New plan includes child & adult handwashing sinks and sculpted furniture plan including cubbies, wall cabinets, eating and table area, a reading/cozy corner and flex area.
Rear of Classroom

Slide arrow left and right to view the before and after transformation.
BEFORE: Rear of classroom was separated from main part of classroom, limiting its function and preventing teachers’ ability to supervise children. AFTER: The ½ wall was removed, significantly increasing the amount of useable playspace and allowing for ease of supervision, including full viewing of the nap area.
Diaper/Toilet Area

Slide arrow left and right to view the before and after transformation.
BEFORE: Diaper/Toilet area restricted teacher’s ability to supervise into classroom. Only one available sink used for child and adult diapering/toileting and classroom activities. AFTER: Entrance to diapering area expanded and viewing window added to improve supervision into classroom. New child and adult classroom sinks and counter prep area installed adjacent to eating & table activity area.

AFTER: Increased supervision from enlarged doorway and window cutout above repositioned diaper table.